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Se ha producido un error al procesar la plantilla.
Java method "com.sun.proxy.$Proxy968.getLatestArticle(long)" threw an exception when invoked on com.sun.proxy.$Proxy968 object "com.liferay.journal.service.impl.JournalArticleLocalServiceImpl@70abf1e5"; see cause exception in the Java stack trace.

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: journalArticle = journalArticleLocalS...  [in template "20095#20121#146278" at line 806, column 89]
2@media only screen and (max-width: 1200px) { 
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23	journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService") 
24	productJournalArticle = journalArticleLocalService.getLatestArticle(groupId, .vars["reserved-article-id"].data) 
25	ddmProductStructure = productJournalArticle.getDDMStructure()  
26	className = "com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle" 
27	categoryEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetCategoryLocalService") 
28	vocabularyEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetVocabularyLocalService") 
29	vocabularies = vocabularyEntryLocalService.getGroupVocabularies(groupId)  
30	categories = categoryEntryLocalService.getCategories(className, productJournalArticle.resourcePrimKey) 
31  assetCategoryPropService = serviceLocator.findService("") 
35		<div class="product"> 
36			<div class="product__image col-md-6"> 
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74					<!-- Formato --> 
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79					<!-- Rating --> 
81					<!-- Descripcion --> 
82					<#if (descripcionCorta.getData())??> 
83						<div class="product__description">${descripcionCorta.getData()}</div> 
84					</#if> 
86					<!-- Todos los formatos --> 
87					<#if variantes.getSiblings()?has_content> 
88						<div class="product__formats"> 
89								<#list variantes.getSiblings() as cur_variantes> 
90									<#if cur_variantes.getData()?? && cur_variantes.getData() != ""> 
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92										<#break> 
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98									/> 
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108											ddmFormFieldValues = ddmFormValues.getDDMFormFieldValues() 
109										/> 
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128	        /> 
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133						<#if == "beneficios"> 
134							<div class="product__activos"> 
135								<ul> 
136									<#list categories as category> 
137										<#if category.vocabularyId = vocabulary.vocabularyId> 
138											<#assign categoryIcon = "iconoPrueba"> 
139											<#assign properties = assetCategoryPropService.getCategoryProperties(category.categoryId) /> 
140											<#list properties as property> 
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142													<#assign categoryIcon = property.value> 
143												</#if> 
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145											<li class="${categoryIcon}"> 
146												${} 
147											</li> 
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152						</#if> 
153					</#list> 
155			</div> 
156		</div> 
158		<!-- Consejo legal --> 
159		<#-- 
160		<#list categories as category> 
161			<#if = "Afecciones de invierno"> 
162				<div class="legal-advice"> 
163					<div class="legal-advice-item"> 
164						<svg xmlns="" width="28" height="24" viewBox="0 0 28 24" fill="none"> 
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168						</svg> 
169						<span>Lea las instrucciones</span> 
170					</div> 
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176						<span>de este medicamento</span> 
177					</div> 
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203							<path d="M10.7581 9.10113V9.43399C10.7581 9.44323 10.7618 9.4521 10.7683 9.45863C10.7749 9.46516 10.7837 9.46883 10.793 9.46883C10.8133 9.46883 10.8278 9.45136 10.8278 9.43396V9.09935L11.4813 9.08264H11.6004V10.9472C11.5103 11.2725 11.1037 11.3334 11.1037 11.3334C10.5896 11.3509 10.4241 10.9704 10.4212 10.9617C10.3832 10.7012 10.3553 9.52041 10.3471 9.17213L10.3457 9.11168L10.7581 9.10113Z" fill="white"/> 
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205							<path d="M9.82882 4.71155C9.83803 4.76176 9.84877 4.82365 9.8598 4.89434C9.89558 5.17019 9.91199 5.52502 9.88103 5.96915L9.86914 6.33704L9.51224 6.87237L8.75129 5.79777C8.91394 5.69031 9.62842 5.1966 9.82882 4.71155Z" fill="white"/> 
206							<path d="M8.23141 6.75912H8.6293C8.65252 6.50352 8.66127 5.96913 8.66127 5.82391H8.11816L8.23141 6.75912Z" fill="white"/> 
207						</svg> 
208						<span>y consulte al Farmacéutico</span> 
209					</div> 
210				</div> 
211				<#break> 
212			</#if> 
213		</#list> 
214		--> 
218<!-- Como usarlo --> 
220<#assign CUImages = [] /> 
221<#assign PTVEImages = [] /> 
222<#assign CUCounter = 0 /> 
223<#assign PTVECounter = 0 /> 
225<#if imagenesSeccionComoUsarlo.getSiblings()?has_content> 
226	<#list imagenesSeccionComoUsarlo.getSiblings() as cur_imagenesSeccionComoUsarlo> 
227		<#if (cur_imagenesSeccionComoUsarlo.getData())?? && cur_imagenesSeccionComoUsarlo.getData() != ""> 
228			<#assign CUCounter = CUCounter + 1 /> 
229			<#assign CUImages = CUImages + [cur_imagenesSeccionComoUsarlo] /> 
230		</#if> 
231	</#list> 
233<#if imagenesSeccionPorqueTeVaAEncantar.getSiblings()?has_content> 
234	<#list imagenesSeccionPorqueTeVaAEncantar.getSiblings() as cur_imagenesSeccionPorqueTeVaAEncantar> 
235		<#if (cur_imagenesSeccionPorqueTeVaAEncantar.getData())?? && cur_imagenesSeccionPorqueTeVaAEncantar.getData() != ""> 
236			<#assign PTVECounter = PTVECounter + 1 />	 
237			<#assign PTVEImages = PTVEImages + [cur_imagenesSeccionPorqueTeVaAEncantar] /> 
238		</#if> 
239	</#list> 
242<#-- Caso: textos sin imagenes --> 
243<#if comoUsarlo.getData()??  
244	&& comoUsarlo.getData() != "" 
245	&& porqueTeVaAEncantar.getData()??  
246	&& porqueTeVaAEncantar.getData() != "" 
247	&& CUCounter = 0  
248	&& PTVECounter = 0 > 
250	<section class="product-info d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center"> 
251		<div class="product-info__section color-site w-50 d-flex align-items-center" style="min-height: 500px"> 
252			<div class="product-info__text "> 
253						<h2 class="product-info__title"> 
254								¿Cómo usarlo? 
255						</h2> 
256						<div class="product-info__description"> 
257								${comoUsarlo.getData()} 
258						</div> 
259				</div> 
260		</div> 
261		<div class="product-info__section w-50 d-flex align-items-center" style="min-height: 500px""> 
262			<div class="product-info__text color-white"> 
263					<h2 class="product-info__title"> 
264						¿Por qué te va a encantar? 
265					</h2> 
266					<div class="product-info__description"> 
267						${porqueTeVaAEncantar.getData()} 
268					</div> 
269				</div> 
270		</div> 
271	</section> 
275	<#if comoUsarlo.getData()?? & comoUsarlo.getData() != "" >	 
276		<#-- <#if imagenesSeccionComoUsarlo.getSiblings()?size = 3 > --> 
278		<#-- Caso: 3 imagenes de como usarlo --> 
279		<#if CUCounter = 3 || CUCounter gt 3> 
280			<section class="product-info d-flex color-site"> 
281				<div class="product-info__section w-50"> 
282					<div class="product-info__section d-flex h-50 justify-content-center align-items-center"> 
283						<div class="product-info__text"> 
284									<h2 class="product-info__title"> 
285									¿Cómo usarlo? 
286									</h2> 
287									<div class="product-info__description"> 
288										${comoUsarlo.getData()} 
289									</div> 
290							</div> 
291					</div> 
292					<div class="product-info__section product-info__section--images d-flex h-50"> 
293						<div class="product-info__image col-md-6"> 
294							<#if (CUImages[0].getData())?? && CUImages[0].getData() != ""> 
295								<img alt="${CUImages[0].getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${CUImages[0].getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${CUImages[0].getData()}" /> 
296							</#if> 
297						</div> 
298						<div class="product-info__image col-md-6"> 
299								<#if (CUImages[1].getData())?? && CUImages[1].getData() != ""> 
300									<img alt="${CUImages[1].getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${CUImages[1].getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${CUImages[1].getData()}" /> 
301								</#if> 
302						</div> 
303					</div> 
304				</div> 
305				<div class="product-info__section w-50 d-flex"> 
306					<div class="product-info__image w-100"> 
307							<#if (CUImages[2].getData())?? && CUImages[2].getData() != ""> 
308								<img alt="${CUImages[2].getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${CUImages[2].getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${CUImages[2].getData()}" /> 
309							</#if> 
310					</div> 
311				</div> 
312			</section> 
314		<#-- Caso: 0 imagenes de como usarlo --> 
315		<#elseif CUCounter = 0 > 
317			<section class="product-info"> 
318				<div class="product-info__text color-site text-center"> 
319					<h2 class="product-info__title"> 
320						¿Cómo usarlo? 
321					</h2> 
322					<div class="product-info__description"> 
323						${comoUsarlo.getData()} 
324					</div> 
325				</div> 
326			</section> 
328		<#-- Caso: 1 imagen de como usarlo --> 
329		<#elseif CUCounter = 1 > 
331			<section class="product-info d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center color-site"> 
332				<div class="product-info__section w-50"> 
333					<div class="product-info__text"> 
334						<h2 class="product-info__title"> 
335							¿Cómo usarlo? 
336						</h2> 
337						<div class="product-info__description"> 
338							${comoUsarlo.getData()} 
339						</div> 
340					</div> 
341				</div> 
342				<div class="product-info__section w-50 d-flex"> 
343					<div class="product-info__image w-100"> 
344							<img alt="${CUImages[0].getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${CUImages[0].getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${CUImages[0].getData()}" /> 
345					</div> 
346				</div> 
347			</section> 
349		<#-- Caso: 2 imagen de como usarlo --> 
350		<#elseif CUCounter = 2 > 
352		<section class="product-info d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center color-site"> 
353				<div class="product-info__section w-50"> 
354					<div class="product-info__text"> 
355						<h2 class="product-info__title"> 
356							¿Cómo usarlo? 
357						</h2> 
358						<div class="product-info__description"> 
359							${comoUsarlo.getData()} 
360						</div> 
361					</div> 
362				</div> 
363				<div class="product-info__section w-50"> 
364					<div class="product-info__section product-info__section--images d-flex"> 
365						<div class="product-info__image col-md-6"> 
366							<#if (CUImages[0].getData())?? && CUImages[0].getData() != ""> 
367								<img alt="${CUImages[0].getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${CUImages[0].getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${CUImages[0].getData()}" /> 
368							</#if> 
369						</div> 
370						<div class="product-info__image col-md-6"> 
371								<#if (CUImages[1].getData())?? && CUImages[1].getData() != ""> 
372									<img alt="${CUImages[1].getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${CUImages[1].getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${CUImages[1].getData()}" /> 
373								</#if> 
374						</div> 
375					</div> 
376				</div> 
377			</section> 
378		</#if> 
379	</#if> 
381	<!-- Por que te va a encantar --> 
383	<#if porqueTeVaAEncantar.getData()?? && porqueTeVaAEncantar.getData() != "" > 
386		<#-- Caso: 3 imagenes de Por que te va a encantar --> 
387		<#if PTVECounter = 3 || PTVECounter gt 3> 
389			<section class="product-info d-flex"> 
390				<div class="product-info__section w-50 d-flex"> 
391					<div class="product-info__image w-100"> 
392							<#if (PTVEImages[2].getData())?? && PTVEImages[2].getData() != ""> 
393								<img alt="${PTVEImages[2].getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${PTVEImages[2].getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${PTVEImages[2].getData()}" /> 
394							</#if> 
395					</div> 
396				</div> 
397				<div class="product-info__section w-50"> 
398					<div class="product-info__section d-flex h-50 justify-content-center align-items-center"> 
399						<div class="product-info__text"> 
400									<h2 class="product-info__title"> 
401									¿Por qué te va a encantar? 
402									</h2> 
403									<div class="product-info__description"> 
404										${porqueTeVaAEncantar.getData()} 
405									</div> 
406							</div> 
407					</div> 
408					<div class="product-info__section product-info__section--images d-flex h-50"> 
409						<div class="product-info__image col-md-6"> 
410							<#if (PTVEImages[0].getData())?? && PTVEImages[0].getData() != ""> 
411								<img alt="${PTVEImages[0].getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${PTVEImages[0].getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${PTVEImages[0].getData()}" /> 
412							</#if> 
413						</div> 
414						<div class="product-info__image col-md-6"> 
415								<#if (PTVEImages[1].getData())?? && PTVEImages[1].getData() != ""> 
416									<img alt="${PTVEImages[1].getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${PTVEImages[1].getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${PTVEImages[1].getData()}" /> 
417								</#if> 
418						</div> 
419					</div> 
420				</div> 
421			</section> 
423		<#-- Caso: 0 imagenes de Por que te va a encantar --> 
424		<#elseif PTVECounter = 0 > 
426			<section class="product-info"> 
427				<div class="product-info__text text-center"> 
428					<h2 class="product-info__title"> 
429						¿Por qué te va a encantar? 
430					</h2> 
431					<div class="product-info__description"> 
432						${porqueTeVaAEncantar.getData()} 
433					</div> 
434				</div> 
435			</section> 
437		<#-- Caso: 1 imagen de Por que te va a encantar --> 
438		<#elseif PTVECounter = 1 > 
440			<section class="product-info d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center"> 
441				<div class="product-info__section w-50 d-flex"> 
442					<div class="product-info__image w-100"> 
443							<img alt="${PTVEImages[0].getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${PTVEImages[0].getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${PTVEImages[0].getData()}" /> 
444					</div> 
445				</div> 
446				<div class="product-info__section w-50"> 
447					<div class="product-info__text"> 
448						<h2 class="product-info__title"> 
449							¿Por qué te va a encantar? 
450						</h2> 
451						<div class="product-info__description"> 
452							${porqueTeVaAEncantar.getData()} 
453						</div> 
454					</div> 
455				</div> 
456			</section> 
458		<#-- Caso: 2 imagenes de Por que te va a encantar --> 
459		<#elseif PTVECounter = 2 > 
461		<section class="product-info d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center"> 
462				<div class="product-info__section w-50"> 
463					<div class="product-info__section product-info__section--images d-flex"> 
464						<div class="product-info__image col-md-6"> 
465							<#if (PTVEImages[0].getData())?? && PTVEImages[0].getData() != ""> 
466								<img alt="${PTVEImages[0].getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${PTVEImages[0].getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${PTVEImages[0].getData()}" /> 
467							</#if> 
468						</div> 
469						<div class="product-info__image col-md-6"> 
470								<#if (PTVEImages[1].getData())?? && PTVEImages[1].getData() != ""> 
471									<img alt="${PTVEImages[1].getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${PTVEImages[1].getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${PTVEImages[1].getData()}" /> 
472								</#if> 
473						</div> 
474					</div> 
475				</div> 
476				<div class="product-info__section w-50"> 
477					<div class="product-info__text"> 
478						<h2 class="product-info__title"> 
479							¿Por qué te va a encantar? 
480						</h2> 
481						<div class="product-info__description"> 
482							${porqueTeVaAEncantar.getData()} 
483						</div> 
484					</div> 
485				</div> 
486			</section> 
487		</#if> 
488	</#if> 
491<!-- Completa tu rutina --> 
493<#if productosRelacionadosCategorias.getSiblings()?has_content> 
494<#if productosRelacionadosCategorias.getSiblings()[0]?has_content && productosRelacionadosCategorias.getSiblings()[0].getData() != ""> 
495<section class="cards-adt text-center"> 
497    <p class="cards-adt__pretitle"> 
498			Completa tu rutina 
499    </p> 
501		<#if productosRelacionadosCategorias.getSiblings()?size lt 4> 
502			<div class="cards-adt__items-container row justify-content-center"> 
503		<#else> 
504			<div class="cards-adt__items-container row"> 
505		</#if> 
507				<#list productosRelacionadosCategorias.getSiblings() as cur_productosRelacionados> 
508					<#assign 
509						webContentData = jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(cur_productosRelacionados.getData()) 
510					/> 
511					<#if webContentData.classPK?has_content && webContentData.classPK != ""> 
512						<#assign 
513							contentClassPK = webContentData.classPK?number 
514							contentClassName = webContentData.className 
515						/> 
516						<#if webContentData?? && webContentData.title??> 
517							<div class="cards-adt__item col-6 col-xl-3"> 
518								<a href="${cur_productosRelacionados.getFriendlyUrl()}" class="card--product"> 
520									<#if contentClassName == "com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle" > 
521										<#assign  
522											journalArticle = journalArticleLocalService.getLatestArticle(contentClassPK) 
523											ddmStructure = journalArticle.getDDMStructure() 
524											ddmForm = ddmStructure.getDDMForm() 
525											ddmFieldLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("")    
526											ddmFormValues = ddmFieldLocalService.getDDMFormValues(ddmForm, journalArticle.getId()) 
527											ddmFormFieldValues = ddmFormValues.getDDMFormFieldValues() 
528											mainImage = true 
529											productCardDescription = "Descripcion" 
530											productCardImage = "/documents/d/aposan/placeholder-aposan" 
531										/> 
533										<#list ddmFormFieldValues as fieldName> 
534											<#if fieldName.getFieldReference() == 'descripcionCorta'> 
535												<#if fieldName.getValue().getString(locale)?has_content && fieldName.getValue().getString(locale) != "" > 
536													<#assign productCardDescription = fieldName.getValue().getString(locale)?replace('<[^>]+>','','r') /> 
537													<#if productCardDescription?length gt 100> 
538														<#assign productCardDescription = productCardDescription?substring(0, 100) + "..." /> 
539													</#if> 
540												</#if> 
541											</#if> 
542											<#if fieldName.getFieldReference() == 'imagenesSeccionPrincipalDetalle' && mainImage > 
543												<#if fieldName.getValue().getString(locale)?has_content && fieldName.getValue().getString(locale) != "" > 
544													<#assign  
545														mainImage = false 
546														valores = fieldName.getValue().getString(locale) 
547														mapaValores=valores?eval  
548													/> 
549													<#list mapaValores as k, v> 
550														<#if k == "url"> 
551															<#assign productCardImage = v /> 
552														</#if> 
553													</#list> 
554												</#if> 
555											</#if> 
556										</#list> 
557										<#assign mainImage = true /> 
558										<div class="card--product__image"> 
559											<img src="${productCardImage}" /> 
560											<i class="share-icon"></i> 
561										</div> 
562										<div class="card--product__text"> 
563											<h3> 
564												${webContentData.title} 
565											</h3> 
566											<p class="card--product__description"> 
567												${productCardDescription} 
568											</p> 
569											<p class="card--product__link-text" > 
570												Ver producto 
571											</p> 
572										</div> 
573									</#if> 
574								</a> 
575							</div> 
576						</#if> 
577					</#if> 
578				</#list> 
580		</div> 
586<!-- Tabs --> 
589	tabCount = 1 
590	hasContent = false 
591	tabActive = true 
594<#if (descripcionLarga.getData())?? && descripcionLarga.getData() != ""> 
595	<#assign hasContent = true /> 
597<#if (activos.getData())?? && activos.getData() != ""> 
598	<#assign hasContent = true /> 
600<#if (composicion.getData())?? && composicion.getData() != ""> 
601	<#assign hasContent = true /> 
603<#if (indicaciones.getData())?? && indicaciones.getData() != ""> 
604	<#assign hasContent = true /> 
606<#if (contraindicaciones.getData())?? && contraindicaciones.getData() != ""> 
607	<#assign hasContent = true /> 
610<#if hasContent > 
611<section class="cards-adt product-tabs text-center mb-7"> 
612		<p class="cards-adt__pretitle"> 
613			Otros datos del producto 
614		</p> 
616	<div class="cards-adt__tabs"> 
619		<ul class="nav nav-tabs justify-content-center" id="myTab" role="tablist"> 
621			<#if (descripcionLarga.getData())?? && descripcionLarga.getData() != ""> 
622					<li class="nav-item" role="presentation"> 
623					    	<button class="nav-link active" id="item${tabCount}-tab" data-bs-toggle="tab" data-bs-target="#item${tabCount}" type="button" role="tab" aria-controls="item${tabCount}" aria-selected="true"> 
624									Descripción 
625								</button> 
626								<#assign tabActive = false /> 
627					</li> 
628					<#assign tabCount = tabCount + 1 /> 
629			</#if> 
630			<#if (activos.getData())?? && activos.getData() != ""> 
631					<li class="nav-item" role="presentation"> 
632							<#if tabActive > 
633					    	<button class="nav-link active" id="item${tabCount}-tab" data-bs-toggle="tab" data-bs-target="#item${tabCount}" type="button" role="tab" aria-controls="item${tabCount}" aria-selected="true"> 
634									Activos 
635								</button> 
636								<#assign tabActive = false /> 
637							<#else> 
638								<button class="nav-link" id="item${tabCount}-tab" data-bs-toggle="tab" data-bs-target="#item${tabCount}" type="button" role="tab" aria-controls="item${tabCount}" aria-selected="false"> 
639									Activos 
640								</button> 
641							</#if> 
642					</li> 
643					<#assign tabCount = tabCount + 1 /> 
644			</#if> 
645			<#if (composicion.getData())?? && composicion.getData() != ""> 
646					<li class="nav-item" role="presentation"> 
647						<#if tabActive > 
648					    	<button class="nav-link active" id="item${tabCount}-tab" data-bs-toggle="tab" data-bs-target="#item${tabCount}" type="button" role="tab" aria-controls="item${tabCount}" aria-selected="true"> 
649									Composición 
650								</button> 
651								<#assign tabActive = false /> 
652						<#else> 
653						    <button class="nav-link" id="item${tabCount}-tab" data-bs-toggle="tab" data-bs-target="#item${tabCount}" type="button" role="tab" aria-controls="item${tabCount}" aria-selected="false"> 
654									Composición 
655								</button> 
656						</#if> 
657					</li>		 
658					<#assign tabCount = tabCount + 1 /> 
659			</#if> 
660			<#if (indicaciones.getData())?? && indicaciones.getData() != ""> 
661					<li class="nav-item" role="presentation"> 
662						<#if tabActive > 
663					    	<button class="nav-link active" id="item${tabCount}-tab" data-bs-toggle="tab" data-bs-target="#item${tabCount}" type="button" role="tab" aria-controls="item${tabCount}" aria-selected="true"> 
664									Para 
665								</button> 
666								<#assign tabActive = false /> 
667						<#else> 
668						    <button class="nav-link" id="item${tabCount}-tab" data-bs-toggle="tab" data-bs-target="#item${tabCount}" type="button" role="tab" aria-controls="item${tabCount}" aria-selected="false"> 
669									Para 
670								</button> 
671						</#if> 
672					</li>		 
673					<#assign tabCount = tabCount + 1 /> 
674			</#if> 
675			<#if (contraindicaciones.getData())?? && contraindicaciones.getData() != ""> 
676					<li class="nav-item" role="presentation"> 
677						<#if tabActive > 
678					    	<button class="nav-link active" id="item${tabCount}-tab" data-bs-toggle="tab" data-bs-target="#item${tabCount}" type="button" role="tab" aria-controls="item${tabCount}" aria-selected="true"> 
679									Advertencias 
680								</button> 
681								<#assign tabActive = false /> 
682						<#else> 
683						    <button class="nav-link" id="item${tabCount}-tab" data-bs-toggle="tab" data-bs-target="#item${tabCount}" type="button" role="tab" aria-controls="item${tabCount}" aria-selected="false"> 
684									Advertencias 
685								</button> 
686						</#if> 
687					</li>		 
688					<#assign tabCount = tabCount + 1 /> 
689			</#if> 
690		</ul> 
692		<#assign  
693			tabCount = 1  
694			tabActive = true 
695		/> 
697		<div class="tab-content" id="myTabContent"> 
699			<#if (descripcionLarga.getData())?? && descripcionLarga.getData() != ""> 
700						<div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="item${tabCount}" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="item${tabCount}-tab"> 
701							${descripcionLarga.getData()} 
702						</div> 
703						<#assign  
704							tabCount = tabCount + 1  
705							tabActive = false 
706						/> 
707			</#if> 
708			<#if (activos.getData())?? && activos.getData() != ""> 
709				<#if tabActive > 
710						<div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="item${tabCount}" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="item${tabCount}-tab"> 
711							${activos.getData()} 
712						</div> 
713						<#assign tabActive = false /> 
714				<#else >	 
715						<div class="tab-pane fade" id="item${tabCount}" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="item${tabCount}-tab"> 
716							${activos.getData()} 
717						</div> 
718				</#if> 
719				<#assign tabCount = tabCount + 1 /> 
720			</#if> 
721			<#if (composicion.getData())?? && composicion.getData() != ""> 
722				<#if tabActive > 
723						<div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="item${tabCount}" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="item${tabCount}-tab"> 
724							${composicion.getData()} 
725						</div> 
726						<#assign tabActive = false /> 
727				<#else >		 
728						<div class="tab-pane fade" id="item${tabCount}" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="item${tabCount}-tab"> 
729							${composicion.getData()} 
730						</div> 
731				</#if> 
732				<#assign tabCount = tabCount + 1 /> 
733			</#if> 
734			<#if (indicaciones.getData())?? && indicaciones.getData() != ""> 
735				<#if tabActive > 
736						<div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="item${tabCount}" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="item${tabCount}-tab"> 
737							${indicaciones.getData()} 
738						</div> 
739						<#assign tabActive = false /> 
740				<#else >		 
741						<div class="tab-pane fade" id="item${tabCount}" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="item${tabCount}-tab"> 
742							${indicaciones.getData()} 
743						</div> 
744				</#if> 
745				<#assign tabCount = tabCount + 1 /> 
746			</#if> 
747			<#if (contraindicaciones.getData())?? && contraindicaciones.getData() != ""> 
748				<#if tabActive > 
749						<div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="item${tabCount}" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="item${tabCount}-tab"> 
750							${contraindicaciones.getData()} 
751						</div> 
752						<#assign tabActive = false /> 
753				<#else >		 
754						<div class="tab-pane fade" id="item${tabCount}" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="item${tabCount}-tab"> 
755							${contraindicaciones.getData()} 
756						</div> 
757				</#if> 
758				<#assign tabCount = tabCount + 1 /> 
759			</#if> 
761		</div> 
763	</div> 
768<!-- Productos relacionados --> 
771	journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService") 
772	productJournalArticle = journalArticleLocalService.getLatestArticle(groupId, .vars["reserved-article-id"].data) 
773	ddmProductStructure = productJournalArticle.getDDMStructure()  
776<#if productosRelacionados.getSiblings()?has_content> 
777<#if productosRelacionados.getSiblings()[0].getData()?has_content && productosRelacionados.getSiblings()[0].getData() != ""> 
778	<section class="cards-adt text-center"> 
780			<p class="cards-adt__pretitle"> 
781				Productos relacionados 
782			</p> 
783			<#if productosRelacionados.getSiblings()?size lt 4> 
784				<div class="cards-adt__items-container row justify-content-center"> 
785			<#else> 
786				<div class="cards-adt__items-container row"> 
787			</#if> 
789				<#list productosRelacionados.getSiblings() as cur_productosRelacionados> 
790					<#assign 
791							webContentData = jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(cur_productosRelacionados.getData()) 
792						/> 
794					<#if webContentData.classPK?has_content && webContentData.classPK != ""> 
795						<#assign 
796							contentClassPK = webContentData.classPK?number 
797							contentClassName = webContentData.className 
798						/> 
800						<#if webContentData?? && webContentData.title??> 
801							<div class="cards-adt__item col-6 col-xl-3"> 
802								<a href="${cur_productosRelacionados.getFriendlyUrl()}" class="card--product"> 
804									<#if contentClassName == "com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle" > 
805										<#assign  
806											journalArticle = journalArticleLocalService.getLatestArticle(contentClassPK) 
807											ddmStructure = journalArticle.getDDMStructure() 
808											ddmForm = ddmStructure.getDDMForm() 
809											ddmFieldLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("")    
810											ddmFormValues = ddmFieldLocalService.getDDMFormValues(ddmForm, journalArticle.getId()) 
811											ddmFormFieldValues = ddmFormValues.getDDMFormFieldValues() 
812											mainImage = true 
813											productCardDescription = "Descripcion" 
814											productCardImage = "/documents/d/aposan/placeholder-aposan" 
815										/> 
817										<#list ddmFormFieldValues as fieldName> 
818											<#if fieldName.getFieldReference() = 'descripcionCorta'> 
819												<#if fieldName.getValue().getString(locale)?has_content && fieldName.getValue().getString(locale) != "" > 
820													<#assign productCardDescription = fieldName.getValue().getString(locale)?replace('<[^>]+>','','r') /> 
821													<#if productCardDescription?length gt 100> 
822														<#assign productCardDescription = productCardDescription?substring(0, 100) + "..." /> 
823													</#if> 
824												</#if> 
825											</#if> 
826											<#if fieldName.getFieldReference() = 'imagenesSeccionPrincipalDetalle' && mainImage > 
827												<#if fieldName.getValue().getString(locale)?has_content && fieldName.getValue().getString(locale) != "" > 
828													<#assign  
829														mainImage = false 
830														valores = fieldName.getValue().getString(locale) 
831														mapaValores=valores?eval  
832													/> 
833													<#list mapaValores as k, v> 
834														<#if k == "url"> 
835															<#assign productCardImage = v /> 
836														</#if> 
837													</#list> 
839											</#if> 
840											</#if> 
841										</#list> 
842										<#assign mainImage = true /> 
843										<div class="card--product__image"> 
844											<img src="${productCardImage}" /> 
845											<i class="share-icon"></i> 
846										</div> 
847										<div class="card--product__text"> 
848											<h3> 
849												${webContentData.title} 
850											</h3> 
851											<p class="card--product__description"> 
852												${productCardDescription} 
853											</p> 
854											<p class="card--product__link-text" > 
855												Ver producto 
856											</p> 
857										</div> 
858									</#if> 
859								</a> 
860							</div> 
861						</#if> 
862					</#if> 
863				</#list> 
864		</div> 
866	</section> 
872        var images = document.querySelectorAll('.product__image-selector img'); 
873        var mainImage = document.querySelector('.product__main-image'); 
875        images.forEach(image => { 
876            image.addEventListener('click', function() { 
877                images.forEach(img => img.classList.remove('active')); 
878                this.classList.add('active'); 
879                const src = this.getAttribute('src'); 
880                mainImage.setAttribute('src', src); 
881            }); 
882        }); 
886.product-info__description { 
887padding-left: 3rem; 
889.product-info__description ul li { 
890list-style: disc; 

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